Monday, November 2, 2009

a small list

things i do not like:
- misguided notions and selfish motives
- popping open tubes of buscuits, especially when "pressing firmly on the seam with the edge of a spoon" is required
- clutter, especially in my home
- being called "sweet" or "average"
- excuses and shoulder shrugs

things i do like:
- twilight, when Jack points to the harvest moon and exclaims, "Ball!"
- starving artists of any genre
- stilletos and sassitude
- a-ha! moments and other such clarities
- pub conversations, especially with new friends

(as inspired by Fussy Ms. Kennedy, via someone called Amanda)


Amy said...

I do not like to open tubes either I get so scared and wait for the pop..

Karen M. Peterson said...

I am SO with you on the biscuit tubes! I HATE opening those things!

Stopping by from SITS to say hello!

Unknown said...

Long time since my last visit! Will do better...don't want to miss out on the fun around here. I like "light bulb" moments too!

Thanks for checking in with Marlie and Me!

Anonymous said...

Why must those biscuit tubes be so evil??

Monday, November 2, 2009

a small list

things i do not like:
- misguided notions and selfish motives
- popping open tubes of buscuits, especially when "pressing firmly on the seam with the edge of a spoon" is required
- clutter, especially in my home
- being called "sweet" or "average"
- excuses and shoulder shrugs

things i do like:
- twilight, when Jack points to the harvest moon and exclaims, "Ball!"
- starving artists of any genre
- stilletos and sassitude
- a-ha! moments and other such clarities
- pub conversations, especially with new friends

(as inspired by Fussy Ms. Kennedy, via someone called Amanda)


Amy said...

I do not like to open tubes either I get so scared and wait for the pop..

Karen M. Peterson said...

I am SO with you on the biscuit tubes! I HATE opening those things!

Stopping by from SITS to say hello!

Unknown said...

Long time since my last visit! Will do better...don't want to miss out on the fun around here. I like "light bulb" moments too!

Thanks for checking in with Marlie and Me!

Anonymous said...

Why must those biscuit tubes be so evil??