Monday, November 30, 2009

It's the end of PoMo as we know it..

..and I feel fine.

Ok. So I did it. I posted everyday this month and managed not to die. Some days not dying seemed like a victory - not that dying was truly a possibility; it's just an exaggeration (,Mom,) - that I was so stupidly busy that death seemed like a viable option. No, not "viable" because that means "living," and a living death seems ridiculous, though I do feel like the living dead some days. "Feasible" is a more likely adjective, I think.

Anyway, I wrote three or four "good" posts, "good" meaning "I don't hate them", and the rest were pretty much fluff, thus proving that I really should only blog when I have something to say or am prompted. I already knew that about myself - just like I knew that I only wanted to practice the piano when I felt like it, or like I knew that I wanted to take dance class on my own schedule. I don't think it's unusual to not want to do homework. When requirements and parameters are involved, even the things we enjoy doing become chores. Still, I need something to prod me in the right direction.

If you have any ideas about prodding sites (mind out of the gutter, Christine!), let me know..


Christine said...

Awww... c'mon!!

Amy said...

you made it...

K A B L O O E Y said...

Whew... congrats to you. On the accomplishment and on the self-realizations (more like confirmations.) And I do have someone who helps prod me: my blogpal Sandy @

Go browse around -- she also lists other blogs that help foster creativity, deadlines, and more.

mommakin said...

Yeah - this is mostly why I don't do it. I blog when I have something to say and don't when I don't.

This week has been a whole lot of don't. Sigh.

Sandy Ackers said...

Thanks for the shout-out, Kablooey. Ginger, I'm impressed. I'm not sure I'd be able to blog every day for a month!

Strangling My Muse: Struggling to Live a Creative Life in a Stressful World

Unknown said...

...even fluff has it's place.

Monday, November 30, 2009

It's the end of PoMo as we know it..

..and I feel fine.

Ok. So I did it. I posted everyday this month and managed not to die. Some days not dying seemed like a victory - not that dying was truly a possibility; it's just an exaggeration (,Mom,) - that I was so stupidly busy that death seemed like a viable option. No, not "viable" because that means "living," and a living death seems ridiculous, though I do feel like the living dead some days. "Feasible" is a more likely adjective, I think.

Anyway, I wrote three or four "good" posts, "good" meaning "I don't hate them", and the rest were pretty much fluff, thus proving that I really should only blog when I have something to say or am prompted. I already knew that about myself - just like I knew that I only wanted to practice the piano when I felt like it, or like I knew that I wanted to take dance class on my own schedule. I don't think it's unusual to not want to do homework. When requirements and parameters are involved, even the things we enjoy doing become chores. Still, I need something to prod me in the right direction.

If you have any ideas about prodding sites (mind out of the gutter, Christine!), let me know..


Christine said...

Awww... c'mon!!

Amy said...

you made it...

K A B L O O E Y said...

Whew... congrats to you. On the accomplishment and on the self-realizations (more like confirmations.) And I do have someone who helps prod me: my blogpal Sandy @

Go browse around -- she also lists other blogs that help foster creativity, deadlines, and more.

mommakin said...

Yeah - this is mostly why I don't do it. I blog when I have something to say and don't when I don't.

This week has been a whole lot of don't. Sigh.

Sandy Ackers said...

Thanks for the shout-out, Kablooey. Ginger, I'm impressed. I'm not sure I'd be able to blog every day for a month!

Strangling My Muse: Struggling to Live a Creative Life in a Stressful World

Unknown said...

...even fluff has it's place.