Sunday, November 23, 2008
Between Loads..
* I miss going to the movies. There are so many I want to see. I missed Wall-E, and Ironman, and now I see that James Bond will not wait for me.. Plus, I miss the popcorn. For far too long I was "good" and either didn't get a tub OR I got a tub without butter. What was I thinking?! I wasted all of that buttery goodness! Maybe one or more grandparents will watch Jack for an evening over Thanksgiving so that we can catch a movie or two.. (hint hint).
*The TTU defeat last night was too painful to watch.. So I didn't. I sulked in my room while Rich endured the trauma. Call me a fair weather fan if you want, but there is something to be said for not bitch slapping yourself over and over again. And last nights game was the mother of all bitch slap parties to which I RSVP'd a resounding, "Aw, hell no! I won't go!"
* I should be grading papers. I have 40 Macbeth essays left to mark and 11 Dorian Gray character sketches. Only 4.25 hours of grading over Thanksgiving.. except for all of the stuff waiting for me when I get back: 130 Inferno projects, 130 SAT practice papers, and an entire literary magazine to edit. Oh, and planning the next units.. But no stress.. F*CK!
* At least my kid can sit up and play with toys for minutes at a time. And I mean it when I say I am thankful for that!
*Tomorrow we head to the Flatlands.. That will be fun!!
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Between Loads..
* I miss going to the movies. There are so many I want to see. I missed Wall-E, and Ironman, and now I see that James Bond will not wait for me.. Plus, I miss the popcorn. For far too long I was "good" and either didn't get a tub OR I got a tub without butter. What was I thinking?! I wasted all of that buttery goodness! Maybe one or more grandparents will watch Jack for an evening over Thanksgiving so that we can catch a movie or two.. (hint hint).
*The TTU defeat last night was too painful to watch.. So I didn't. I sulked in my room while Rich endured the trauma. Call me a fair weather fan if you want, but there is something to be said for not bitch slapping yourself over and over again. And last nights game was the mother of all bitch slap parties to which I RSVP'd a resounding, "Aw, hell no! I won't go!"
* I should be grading papers. I have 40 Macbeth essays left to mark and 11 Dorian Gray character sketches. Only 4.25 hours of grading over Thanksgiving.. except for all of the stuff waiting for me when I get back: 130 Inferno projects, 130 SAT practice papers, and an entire literary magazine to edit. Oh, and planning the next units.. But no stress.. F*CK!
* At least my kid can sit up and play with toys for minutes at a time. And I mean it when I say I am thankful for that!
*Tomorrow we head to the Flatlands.. That will be fun!!
- Jen said...
Sundays are my laundry day too, except as of right now I haven't even done ONE!! I better get off this stinkin computer and get somethings done!!
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!! Give everyone my love!!
Jen -
November 23, 2008 at 12:56 PM
- Amy said...
I do my laundry on Mondays. Since I stay home. I try and get all done so when the weekend rolls around I can spend it with the family. I use to be a Sunday washer.
That game was really sad.
I also miss going to the movies. The last one I saw was Sex in the City. I got my husband to watch Alyce so I could go. -
November 23, 2008 at 2:22 PM
- Deidra said...
laundry whats that oh yea that thing Cliff does because I refuse:)
Ok well now that I am home I do a little more then I use too. -
November 23, 2008 at 10:07 PM
- Simply Sara said...
Aww...I feel your pain. Do you teach at an IB school? I teach 8th grade math at Martin Middle School, Austin. It' s an IB school. :) Happy Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving BREAK!
November 25, 2008 at 9:58 PM
Sundays are my laundry day too, except as of right now I haven't even done ONE!! I better get off this stinkin computer and get somethings done!!
Hope you have a great Thanksgiving!! Give everyone my love!!
I do my laundry on Mondays. Since I stay home. I try and get all done so when the weekend rolls around I can spend it with the family. I use to be a Sunday washer.
That game was really sad.
I also miss going to the movies. The last one I saw was Sex in the City. I got my husband to watch Alyce so I could go.
laundry whats that oh yea that thing Cliff does because I refuse:)
Ok well now that I am home I do a little more then I use too.
Aww...I feel your pain. Do you teach at an IB school? I teach 8th grade math at Martin Middle School, Austin. It' s an IB school. :) Happy Thanksgiving and Thanksgiving BREAK!
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