Saturday, March 26, 2011
Saturday, March 26, 2011
- rainbow said...
In the time I have had the privilege of knowing you, I do not see anyone being with you two minutes and not be the BETTER for it, and I am sure it is your Mimi and your Mom shining through you. YOU ARE ONE VERY SPECIAL PERSON AND I AM LUCKY YOU ARE NOW IN OUR FAMILY. Thanks Rich for being so SMART. HOPE YOU HAVE A REALLY GOOD WEEKEND, AND SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE, if you can survive April and May to get to June. LOVE YOU BUNCHES!!
April 1, 2011 at 10:22 AM
- Christine said...
You know how on those rare occasions that you'll admit to another living, breathing human being that, yes, you sometimes write a little bit, you almost always follow that with a demure look to the floor and say something self-effacing that sounds like 'it's just a hobby' but really means 'I think I'm only good enough for it to be just a hobby'? You know that moment? The next time you have one of those, you need to read this post.
'cause damn. You're good. -
April 22, 2011 at 12:23 AM
In the time I have had the privilege of knowing you, I do not see anyone being with you two minutes and not be the BETTER for it, and I am sure it is your Mimi and your Mom shining through you. YOU ARE ONE VERY SPECIAL PERSON AND I AM LUCKY YOU ARE NOW IN OUR FAMILY. Thanks Rich for being so SMART. HOPE YOU HAVE A REALLY GOOD WEEKEND, AND SUMMER IS ALMOST HERE, if you can survive April and May to get to June. LOVE YOU BUNCHES!!
You know how on those rare occasions that you'll admit to another living, breathing human being that, yes, you sometimes write a little bit, you almost always follow that with a demure look to the floor and say something self-effacing that sounds like 'it's just a hobby' but really means 'I think I'm only good enough for it to be just a hobby'? You know that moment? The next time you have one of those, you need to read this post.
'cause damn. You're good.
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