Friday, July 30, 2010

Beans and Potatoes

I don't really have anything to say about potatoes except for YUMMMMMM. Pretty much any way they come I love 'em.

As for beans, here's my favorite recipe (like the Cowboys like 'em)

Mom's Pinto Beans


Bag of pintos (rinsed and soaked overnight)
1 onion (chopped)
6-8 strips of bacon (cut into 3rds)
1 jalapeno pepper (end cut off)
salt and pepper to taste

Put soaked beans into a crock pot, throw in bacon, onion, jalapeno, and cover with water. Let cook on medium all day long (6 hours), until beans are brown and soft.

Sometimes when I feel particularly zany, I add a little bit of garlic salt.
If you bake some cornbread (for soppin' up the gravy), and slice some sharp cheddar, you've got a hearty, tasty, Cowboy pleasin' meal!!!

P.S. Why, dearest British friends, are beans served with break-y in your country? I've always found that to be one of the most unusual cultural differences between us.

This post was inspired by the Loose Bloggers Consortium, a small and feisty(!) global community. We write weekly on a common topic ( Beans and Potatoes, this week) and post responses - all of us together, simultaneously, from all over the world. (Lovely!) Please visit Anu, Ashok, Conrad, gaelikaa, Grannymar, Judy, Magpie 11, Maria and Ramana for other wonderful posts.


Grannymar said...

Baked beans with our English fry is a recent addition to the menu.

Normally it consists of bacon, egg, sausage, tomato, mushrooms and fried bread. Hash browns have followed the beans from across the pond.

We follow the above with tea or coffee, toast, butter & marmalade. It really sets you up for the day!

Rummuser said...

Baked beans in tomato sauce on buttered toast is for the vegetarians! Nice recipe Ginger.

Jen said...

I LOVE beans and cornbread for a meal! Yum!! It's been awhile since I made a pot of beans. I just may have to do that soon!

Magpie11 said...

I tried to post a comment and the system didn't like Me!
As I was saying: Interesting take on Baked Beans with the pepper! In this house we use small whole onions stuck over with a few cloves...yumshious! And bacon ribs ...

It has to be Heinz Baked Beans for breakfast....don't know why or when it started...
keep ypur hash Browns (well what they call HBs over here...give me fried potatoes...sliced boiled potatoes fried in bacon fat...okay olive oil for health.. and try coring an apple and frying that as well..a lovely combination of a caramel flavour and the sharpness of the apple.

Maria said...

Lovely recipe. I'm hungry now!

Maria said...

There have been so many good recipes among the Consortium that I do not know where to start. I think I will start with yours.

Breakfast for me is yogurt, fruit, and cereal. I think this is fairly typical for So. California

I goofed and wrote on communications by mistake. That was the topic for July 31, 2009. Not proud of myself. LOL

Friday, July 30, 2010

Beans and Potatoes

I don't really have anything to say about potatoes except for YUMMMMMM. Pretty much any way they come I love 'em.

As for beans, here's my favorite recipe (like the Cowboys like 'em)

Mom's Pinto Beans


Bag of pintos (rinsed and soaked overnight)
1 onion (chopped)
6-8 strips of bacon (cut into 3rds)
1 jalapeno pepper (end cut off)
salt and pepper to taste

Put soaked beans into a crock pot, throw in bacon, onion, jalapeno, and cover with water. Let cook on medium all day long (6 hours), until beans are brown and soft.

Sometimes when I feel particularly zany, I add a little bit of garlic salt.
If you bake some cornbread (for soppin' up the gravy), and slice some sharp cheddar, you've got a hearty, tasty, Cowboy pleasin' meal!!!

P.S. Why, dearest British friends, are beans served with break-y in your country? I've always found that to be one of the most unusual cultural differences between us.

This post was inspired by the Loose Bloggers Consortium, a small and feisty(!) global community. We write weekly on a common topic ( Beans and Potatoes, this week) and post responses - all of us together, simultaneously, from all over the world. (Lovely!) Please visit Anu, Ashok, Conrad, gaelikaa, Grannymar, Judy, Magpie 11, Maria and Ramana for other wonderful posts.


Grannymar said...

Baked beans with our English fry is a recent addition to the menu.

Normally it consists of bacon, egg, sausage, tomato, mushrooms and fried bread. Hash browns have followed the beans from across the pond.

We follow the above with tea or coffee, toast, butter & marmalade. It really sets you up for the day!

Rummuser said...

Baked beans in tomato sauce on buttered toast is for the vegetarians! Nice recipe Ginger.

Jen said...

I LOVE beans and cornbread for a meal! Yum!! It's been awhile since I made a pot of beans. I just may have to do that soon!

Magpie11 said...

I tried to post a comment and the system didn't like Me!
As I was saying: Interesting take on Baked Beans with the pepper! In this house we use small whole onions stuck over with a few cloves...yumshious! And bacon ribs ...

It has to be Heinz Baked Beans for breakfast....don't know why or when it started...
keep ypur hash Browns (well what they call HBs over here...give me fried potatoes...sliced boiled potatoes fried in bacon fat...okay olive oil for health.. and try coring an apple and frying that as well..a lovely combination of a caramel flavour and the sharpness of the apple.

Maria said...

Lovely recipe. I'm hungry now!

Maria said...

There have been so many good recipes among the Consortium that I do not know where to start. I think I will start with yours.

Breakfast for me is yogurt, fruit, and cereal. I think this is fairly typical for So. California

I goofed and wrote on communications by mistake. That was the topic for July 31, 2009. Not proud of myself. LOL