Friday, September 12, 2008

Picnic and Poetry

The LitMag Scalawags hosted their first poetry reading of the year today. Items of interest included a Wonderlandish array of colors, faerie lights, ticky clocks, community tea, and a yellow rubber ducky called (using your best pirate accent) Yar'ly! The theme of this fantastic fete was Civil Liberties, a challenge inspired by a sunny shod Corduroy Kid. In solidarity with our lovely friends across the pond who are actively promoting rights for all of our brothers and sisters, we read poems that both celebrated the liberties we have and pointed fingers at the ones that have been infringed upon. We are all too aware that we are losing our freedoms under the guise of "safety" - or are we truly aware? And that's partly the point, I think.


Elena said...

I hope your students appreciate the awesome-factor of such an exercise...

I'm jealous.

Ginger said...

Hey. You're nice. Thank you!

LBelle said...

thanks for posting a picture of my beautiful sister! :-) :-)

this is pretty cool...the word they are asking me to type in to verify below is poeym....ooooh that is divine providence!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Picnic and Poetry

The LitMag Scalawags hosted their first poetry reading of the year today. Items of interest included a Wonderlandish array of colors, faerie lights, ticky clocks, community tea, and a yellow rubber ducky called (using your best pirate accent) Yar'ly! The theme of this fantastic fete was Civil Liberties, a challenge inspired by a sunny shod Corduroy Kid. In solidarity with our lovely friends across the pond who are actively promoting rights for all of our brothers and sisters, we read poems that both celebrated the liberties we have and pointed fingers at the ones that have been infringed upon. We are all too aware that we are losing our freedoms under the guise of "safety" - or are we truly aware? And that's partly the point, I think.


Elena said...

I hope your students appreciate the awesome-factor of such an exercise...

I'm jealous.

Ginger said...

Hey. You're nice. Thank you!

LBelle said...

thanks for posting a picture of my beautiful sister! :-) :-)

this is pretty cool...the word they are asking me to type in to verify below is poeym....ooooh that is divine providence!