The first assignment we give our International Baccalaureate students before we even meet them is to research a current international issue: find at least 2 editorial/opinion articles about the issue and 2 factual ones from reputable sources; write/create some sort of reflection on the issue (can be creative); write a letter (with the recipient's address) taking a stance on the issue; and present the findings in front of the class on the first day of school.
This is a great assignment. It gets the students thinking outside of their complacent zones. It makes them realize that the world is bigger than week-ends at the malls. It allows them to see people in other countries as people, and not as statistics. You would really and truly
think that this assignment - asking people to think about others - would be incredibly beneficial to the student and to the world.
Here's the thing: the students are kids. They complete all of the parameters of the assignment for the grade and somehow do not take ownership of the issue. In fact, several of them this year have begun their presentations with disclaimers that sound something like:
"That thing in Darfur is like a really big deal and all, and like all Americans should like help and stuff, but like I think we should also like focus on our stuff here in America 'cause we can't like just help everyone." Or they speak in skewed generalities. For example, one person said,
"All women in Afghanistan are raped, beaten, and burned and they all want to leave their husbands because all of the men there are in the Taliban. One way they escape this torture is by going to jail where at least they are safe."Another said,
"China is totally ridiculous. They threw homeless people in jail to clean up the city for the Olympics which is like so egotistical and wrong. Communism is horrible."And another: "
Russia attacked poor Georgia because in Russia, under Communism, you don't get to choose what you want to do with your life, so they throw boys into the army. The Russian army has no regard for human life whatsoever, and all they want to do is brutally kill people. But America won't stop them because we are afraid of starting another Cold War."
You should have seen me trying not to interject. I mean my job is to
teach, right? But at the same time, I am not supposed to interrupt a presentation - IB rules. I am supposed to respectfully write comments on my grade sheet. And I certainly would not want to embarrass them, especially since I am going to ask them to continue to give presentations confidently, these oral presentations/commentaries counting for 30% of their international diploma assessment - as in their opinions will be considered
internationally, graded by folks in places like Cardiff, Rome, Dubai, Hong Kong, Burma, etc. I do write comments such as "
biased opinion - check your facts" or "
conjecture - be careful about guessing" or "
where is your evidence?" Unfortunately, my comments don't unravel the knot in my stomach. Are most of us (Americans) so incredibly blind to the truths of our world?
Interestingly enough, this year's presentations are FAR better than the ones I listened to two years ago when the students all researched "the problem with Iraq" or "Israel v. Palestine." For both of these topics, students two years ago were pretty much in favor of
Shock and Awe, and I could see in their eyes American fighter jets doing fly-bys - red, white and blue smoke ribbons dancing across the sky
. Ick. At least these days, the students don't automatically assume that American politics are right, though I did have a student this year talk about the right way to "build a border wall to keep
those people out." (sigh)
A lot of what I hear is parent opinion. And yes, I am aware that these 16-year-olds are doing well to at least listen to the conversations going on in their homes. But it turns out that I disagree with most of what I'm hearing. Maybe it's because I live in a place where the older generation especially is uncomfortable with change. Many are more comfortable with a militaristic America- an us v. them, a "patriotism before globalism" situation. I get that, I guess. And I can see it in our politics.
In the past we were pretty far removed from the rest of the world. We were more family oriented and we knew our neighbors. We knew what we believed as far as religion was concerned, and any deviation from that comfortable space was simply termed "sin". We didn't know about other countries or religions, other than what was in the local paper or in the National Geographic magzines under our coffee tables. Being patriotic was easier. We knew what "American" looked like.
Things are different today. We interact with people on various continents through technology. We are free to practice just about any kind of religion we want. Different is the new norm.
Some of this is great - I adore my friends across the ocean. I love being able to Google information about other people or read their blogs. I feel connected to the world in this respect. I have a better idea about my own spirituality. I am self-sufficient and educated.
Some of this is sad - Family time is practically nonexistent or seems very forced as a result of our incredibly fast paced American lifestyle. We no longer speak to our neighbors over the backyard fence. I only know one of my neighbors by his first name. My family is pretty far removed, or rather I am from them. I don't go to church because my religious ideology can't be defined so definitely. Our communities are somewhat more neglected.
But it is what it is. And because of globalisation, there is a greater responsibility for all of us to seek credible information about others and work harder on our relationships, whether they be local or global. We have to be more intentional about creating community - which we can do in our physical neighborhoods, as well as in our virtual ones. Our kids need to be aware of this new burden, and as thier teacher, I feel a heavy responsibility to teach it to them.
What I'm seeing in my classroom and, I suppose, in my country is some floundering in an in-between space. We are just learning how to decipher the good information (on the web especially) from the shit and how to form an eduacted opinion about what we've learned. We are trying to redefine our relationships with local communities while working at really seeing the rest of the world. We know what phrases or taglines to use in our language, but we are just starting to investigate whether or not they are valid. This is a process. We are dealing with an identity change, and because of globalisation we are having to adapt more quickly than is comfortable, hence the polar opposite messages of our presidential candidates. I personally feel like I'm sprinting - trying to keep up. This makes me uncomfortable. But at the same time, I feel exhilarated.